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Relationship Status: Actively Looking


There are transactions, and there are relationships

Say you need a bag of apples from the corner store. If you hand the clerk the apples to scan and money to pay for them, and he hands them back to you along with your change, you’ve made a transaction. And sometimes, all you need is a transaction -- you know what you want, and you have the money to pay for it. But what if the clerk notices the apples are bruised and picks out a fresher bag for you? That’s the start of a relationship. Or you’re on a budget, and you need to know which apples are cheaper by the pound? Or you want to make a pie, but aren’t sure which apples are the best for baking? The clerk that points you in the right direction based on your particular needs and budget -- well, that is someone trying to create a relationship.

EMCO’s consultative approach helps you determine what’s important in your print marketing campaign

If you have a print and mail project ready to go, upload it today! We might even have it finished by tomorrow. That’s a transaction, and we love to work fast, so it’s fun to get the job done.

But at EMCO, we are in the relationship business, so we invite customers old and new to contact us with the hard questions, the confusing scenarios, the tight budgets and the mistakes that need to be fixed. Our expertise is print marketing and mailing, so we can help guide you through all aspects of our business from crafting a targeted message to designing an eye-catching mailer.

We can walk you through important decision

  • Which pieces will be the most effective in your marketing campaign. Some of our specialties include postcards, flyers, self-mailers, booklets, signage, labels, catalogs and posters.

  • Paper or another substrate based on a mix of variables the average customer wouldn't even consider: weight for mailing, coating for print, various surfaces for effect.

  • Types and colors of ink with budget, visual impact, and your organization’s brand top of mind.

  • Whether and how to clean up your data to save money, time and waste, and how to use that data in your printed pieces.

  • When to acquire targeted mailing lists to expand your reach, develop a strategy for who you want to reach, or when to use the fabulous list you already have.

  • Which mailing methods and services meet your goals and how to maximize postal discounts.

We create a relationship with you in order to learn more about your goals and strengthen the relationships you have with your customers. The bottom line is, you can call or click to reach us at any point of your project, and we will help you create the most effective marketing materials, always maximizing the return on your investment.

Upload a project today or contact us by web, phone or email to start right where you are.

Design, message, ink, paper, data, deliver. EMCO Mail + Print can do all the things for you.


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